Officials hope greenway trails get people out of cars
City intends to make walking and cycling a part of daily life with greenbelt pathways system linking its neighbourhoods
Walking around Surrey is no easy feat.
But city officials hope to make it bit better with a plan that aims to connect its communities with biking and walking trails and greenway “loops” throughout the city’s six town centres – Cloverdale, Fleetwood, Guildford, Newton, Whalley/City Centre and Semiahmoo.
The aim? To get residents out of their cars and walking or biking to work, the shopping districts and the city’s parks.
Surrey parks manager Owen Croy said the city already has about 75 kilometres of fourmetre-wide greenway trails. But while a 2008 public survey found about 70 per cent of people used the trails for recreation that year, they aren’t used for daily trips around the community.
One of the biggest complaints by residents, according to a draft greenways report that will go to Surrey city council in January, is that there are no greenways “where I want to go.”