Latest Posts From Ridge Meadows
Earth Day 2012 celebrations in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge
We’ve been awfully quiet lately. First it was cold and rainy, so I thought I’d take a break, and then we got some great sunny biking weather, so guess what I was doing!?Anyway, I’m happy to tell you that we’ll be once again involved with the Earth Day events in both Pitt Meadows and Maple […]
One mile on a bike is a $.42 economic gain to society, one mile driving is a $.20 loss
Copenhagen, the bicycle-friendliest place on the planet, publishes a biannual Bicycle Account, and buried in its pages is a rather astonishing fact, reports Andy Clarke, president of the league of American Bicyclists: “When all these factors are added together the net social gain is DKK 1.22 per cycled kilometer. For purposes of comparison there is a net social […]
Investing in the benefits of cycling
Latest article in The News: Published: March 16, 2012 Much continues to be written about the obesity epidemic that’s plaguing the western world. According to the Maple Ridge Healthier Community Action Plan report by Fraser Health, presented to council in 2011, Maple Ridge scores worse than average in B.C., as well as the Fraser Health area, […]
What does bike helmet law really do?
The latest article by VACC Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows on helmetsPublished: February 10, 2012Having lived for a quarter of a century in the Netherlands – where nobody had ever told me I should wear a helmet when riding my bike – I have an opinion on this, and I’m quite happy to share it with you.Like […]
Upcoming South Fraser OnTrax Event / debate on Smart Growth
South Fraser OnTrax would like to invite you to attend a debate on whether or not Smart Growth principles are needed in the South of theFraser. Todd Litman of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, whoseresearch has been used by governments worldwide, will be debatingRandal O’Toole who is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and […]
‘Give cyclists safe, separated lanes’
By Phil Melnychuk – Maple Ridge NewsPublished: February 08, 2012 7:00 AM Getting people out their cars and on to their bikes will take more than a thin, white line. Those bike lanes appeal only to the one per centers, the kamikaze commuters among the two-wheeled crowd who ride regardless of traffic. Instead, bike lanes should be […]
Presentation Richard Drdul on cycling advocacy/infrastructure on Jan. 26, 2012
Richard Drdul is an active transportation specialist with more than 25 years of transportation planning and design experience. He has worked with more than 30 municipalities and regional districts throughout Western Canada in all aspects of bicycle and pedestrian policy, planning, design and implementation. His relevant experience includes work on the first Maple Ridge and […]
SPEAKING EVENT: Richard Drdul, Active Transportation Specialist
Please join the local chapter of the VACC (Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition) and the District of Maple Ridge and City of Pitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory Committee on Thursday, January 26th at 7:00 p.m. in Maple Ridge City Hall (Blaney Room)* as we host Richard Drdul and his cycling presentation followed by discussions on cycling routes. […]
Officials hope greenway trails get people out of cars
City intends to make walking and cycling a part of daily life with greenbelt pathways system linking its neighbourhoods BY KELLY SINOSKI, VANCOUVER SUN DECEMBER 31, 2011 Walking around Surrey is no easy feat. But city officials hope to make it bit better with a plan that aims to connect its communities with biking and walking […]
Township apply to build regional cycling and walking network
The City of Surrey has been busy building greenways and their cycling network for a few years now. It looks like the Township of Langley is planning to connect up to Surrey’s network and hasapplied for a grant to build a greenway trail connection from Derby Reach Regional Park to the Golden Ears Bridge. This project, if approved, […]