Column: “Water theme for Earth Day”, and: MRBERT!
My column in the Maple Ridge News of April 10, 2015 is about our 4th annual Cycle Recycle and about the launch of MRBERT:
“At the upcoming Earth Day event on April 18, HUB is going to have lots of bikes to give away! We saved some bikes from the Recycle Depot, and we’ve also had quite a few donations from individuals this year, especially of kid’s bikes. So thank you to Ridge Meadows Recycling Society and all those who donated their bikes! They’ve all been cleaned already, and one of our committee members is presently hard at work doing some needed repairs.
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Note that we’ve made a change of plans with regard to the Cycle Recycle. Since we have over 20 bikes to give away, we decided to have two draws instead of one. The first one will be at 11:30 am by Ross Davies of KEEPS, the second one at 1:30 pm by Queen Elsa (Frozen).
Some of MRBERT’s members: John, Dave and Alex |