Mike Morden, candidate Maple Ridge Council 2011
1. What modes of transportation do you normally use within your community and within Metro Vancouver? Walk, drive or transit (rode for years when I was younger but not anymore)
3. There have been many surveys asking people what it would take to get them on a bike. The number one thing people want is separated cycling facilities. How would you support separated bike lanes on key routes? If you are not in support, please explain why.
I would love to support this, and if we were building a new community from scratch knowing what we know now, we would put in separated bike lines everywhere. The reality is we cannot easily do this now, but wherever possible we should and plan out routes that gets a lot of the needed connectivity. Separated bike lanes is even more important on highways for safety of cyclists.4. Maple Ridge has no off-road (non-mountain-) biking/multi-use trails and is lagging behind other Lower Mainland communities in this respect. How do you feel off-road biking/multi-use trails can benefit Maple Ridge, and how do you suggest to start developing a network of trails.
These initiatives need to be proposed by cycling groups as they know what is needed and desired. A plan and a strategy and proposed venue(s) would be the start. This will grow over time as this is a healthy and upcoming sport as well as a tourism opportunity.8. How do you feel e-bikes can play a role in our transportation system?
Ebikes are very new and I would need more information and education on them to make an informed opinion, however the benefits are fairly obvious.What do you see as the benefits of e-bikes as compared to cars? In light of the above I would suggest that the benefits are to our health and no pollution, and ability to ride for greater distances or trips with challenging hilly terrain.
What can e-bikes mean for less densely populated suburban communities like Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows? You can go a greater distance than a completely manual bike.
9. Would you be interested in joining members of the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition on a bike ride through your community?
I have some physical limitations but yes I would be interested.