Latest Posts From Ridge Meadows

117th Ave Multi-use Path – First Look
A first look at the recently completed multi-use path on 117th Ave.

New Bike Access To 232nd Street
HUB Cycling calls for bike access to 232nd Street in a recent development application.
New Multiuse Path along 132/Fern Crescent
A new multiuse path is being built along 132 Street and Fern Crescent.
Katzie Youth Learn Cycling Safety with HUB Cycling
A joint effort from HUB Cycling, our Local Committee, Fraser Health, Red Fox Health Living Society, community donors and volunteers, trained Katzie youth cycling safety.
Walking the Talk: TransLink Top Management Rides Ridge Meadows Cycle Infrastructure
TransLink management team experienced cycling network in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.
Environmental Episodes on a Cycling Day in Pitt Meadows
A cycle tour organized by the Watershed Watch Salmon Society and a lesson on the local environment.
Local Residents Voiced Preference of Cycling Infrastructure
Residents of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows provided feedback on the type of cycling infrastructure they prefer on Earth Day.
Can You See Me Now?
Tulip’s dream of an unobstructed cycling structure high above the power poles, meandering through the landmass below.