Under The Helmet: Patricia Ross
By: Antoinetta DeWit
Patricia Ross is a mother, grandmother and former Maple Ridge teacher. She holds very fond memories of cycling in her early years.
When she was 12 years old, her father supervised her as she learned how to cycle on her first bicycle. She called it “Big Blue” and it served her well.
She especially enjoyed cycling to and from school, going as fast as she could and getting great joy from the feel of the wind hitting her face and streaming through her hair. She was always looking for shortcuts so she could get home faster. The uphills were tough but she knew that exercise was good for her leg muscles. She continued cycling right through her university years and until she was in her 40s. Family life and work made it hard to keep it up.
Cycling for pleasure and to do errands around town definitely eased the financial pressures and stresses that come with vehicle use. She learned early in life that a lot can be accomplished when using the bicycle as a means to get around.
Now that Patricia is retired, she is enjoying cycling outings with her daughter and grandchildren. She may be well on her way to buying an E-Bike in order to continue enjoying the pleasures of cycling for many years to come.